6 steps to sleep well and fall asleep

6 steps to sleep well and fall asleep

Getting a good night's sleep is just as important to your health as eating healthy or staying physically active. Not getting enough rest has short-term negative consequences on the body and brain. In addition, it favors the development of long-term chronic diseases.

Many people suffer when it comes to going to bed because it is very difficult for them to fall asleep and sleep well . If this is your case and you want to know what to do to have a good night, then we present the steps you must take to achieve a deep and restful sleep.

Steps to sleep well

  1. Set a time to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. In this way you will reinforce the body's sleep-wake cycle. Remember that adults should sleep between 7 and 8 hours maximum. Sleeping longer than this time is also not healthy for the body.
  2. Don't go to sleep on an empty stomach , but don't go to bed either. Avoid eating an hour before bedtime and don't smoke, drink caffeine or alcohol in the three hours before you go to bed.
  3. Create a pleasant environment for a good night's sleep . Make sure your room is comfortable, dark, quiet; not too cold, not too hot.
  4. Come up with a ritual that relaxes you and makes you sleep soundly. Your ritual can be to listen to a type of music that calms you, you can also read a book, take a bath, do meditation, write a journal or talk with your partner.
  5. If you are in the habit of taking a nap after lunch , try not to do it for more than 30 minutes, much less late in the afternoon ... unless you work at night.
  6. Get physical activity at least three times a week. Exercising or other types of activity can help you fall asleep and get a good night's sleep . But be careful not to do an intense training after 7 pm, otherwise you will not be able to sleep properly. Spending time outside can also help.


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